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3,500 Indian rupees

Service Description

Karma is inherited through our parents and ancestors through the process of birth and greatly holds us back from experiencing our true multidimensional self. Many people struggle day to day with things such as lack and limitations concerning prosperity, abundance and love. Most people walk around daily completely disconnected from their higher self. It is through the various scripts and programs that we have actively running when we came into this world programmed to experience, learn from and evolve from, which prepares our bodies for the ascension process. When all of these various karmic imprints, energies, personas of the shadow self and more are removed from us, we can begin moving forward into our full multidimensional self. This allows us to find the joy in life because we no longer react to other people’s nonsense. We simply are receiving clear guidance from our higher self. This allows us to live in a place of harmony and peace. You will not have to worry about unexpected emotions and outbursts or reactions to the world around you, because a light we be restored within your DNA template divine seed blueprint to aid you in the process of clearing. The personas of the shadow self cause great difficulties in the realization and expression of your full Avatar and Christos Identity. These personas are created by the anchoring of various energetic distortions and or reverse frequencies running through your Personal Grid and DNA Template. Clearing these karmic imprints and personas that no longer serve you in this session will result in experiencing much more physical, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom. The 15D Karmic Clearing Session involves clearing the karmic imprints and energies from your energy field and ALL 15 LEVELS OF AWARENESS and replaces them with positive reinforcement, healing energies and illuminated consciousness that is tailored to the unique energy and vibration of your soul at this time. When these karmic issues are cleared and transmuted, a person’s life can start to change quite drastically as you will begin to attract new people, places, events, opportunities, possibilities, relationships and the feeling of having a new reality to live in and create from as the powerful master creator that you are, free from the karmic baggage that once weighed you down. You can message me on WhatsApp 9152016066 for more details.

Contact Details


Living Inside Out by Daksha Nichani, कलेक्टर कॉलोनी, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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