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3 hr
10,000 Indian rupees

Service Description

Most humans have forgotten who they are and that they are God-like beings. When the human genome was operating in its original organic form in pre-ancient history, the process of cellular transmutation took place in one lifetime, over a period of about 44 years. If you have energetic blockages – auric attachments, karmic imprints, DNA distortions, or unnatural energetic seals, then you will not be able to speed up the particles and accrete the frequencies necessary to live a life fully and in love and joy, to realize your true Self and find the purpose of your Soul and what work you are passionate to serve at. After completing the first DNA activation session where the chakras, brain centers and DNA template is prepared and cleared and strands 1-4 activated, you can choose DNA activation sessions 2 and 3 where strands 5-8 and 9-12, respectively are worked and activated. 1st session: DNA preparation and DNA Activation Strands 1-4: the first DNA activation session where the chakras, brain centers and DNA template is prepared and cleared and strands 1-4 activated, meaning restoration of the original function of the DNA of the strands 1-4 and the corresponding chakras. 2nd session: DNA Activation Strands 5-8: activating the strands 5-8 and start-up for embodying your Soul Identity (holds access to your life’s mission.) 3rd session: DNA Activation strands 9-12 which correspond to higher consciousness Progressively activating your higher dormant strands of DNA through the multiple stages of DNA Ascension sessions (Strands 4-12) we are re-establishing your original divine potential towards 12 Strand DNA Activation. The DNA Activations Strands 4-12 will allow you to re-wire your energy conduits for expansive light accretion into your morphogenetic field so you can start having access and embodying your Soul Identity. Not only will you be able to embody more of your Higher Self, experience higher states of consciousness, you can start to live a life in ever deepening peace, genuine love and joy that is within you. Also your world outside as a reflection of what is inside will gradually change and your life may become more simple, relationships will be deeper and meaningful and your work may change to something that your soul is passionate about. It is recommended to do J seals and Unnatural implants removal session first. You can message me on WhatsApp 9152016066 for more details.

Contact Details


Living Inside Out by Daksha Nichani, कलेक्टर कॉलोनी, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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